Is your church looking to empower and inspire its female congregation but struggling to find programs that resonate with their unique spiritual and God-given entrepreneurial needs?



"Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her." – Luke 1:45


Welcome to the AIMEN program, a unique step by step faith based business program inspired by the Holy Spirit and crafted by Amy Emme, designed specifically for churches to help women get clarity around Gods calling for them through business so they can better serve God and their community.

  • Arrows of Inspiration: Just as an arrow is directed at its target, let the word of God inspire you to pinpoint and pursue your divine purpose with precision and passion.

  • Mission: With wisdom and instruction as our guide (Proverbs 31:26), AIMEN empowers you to articulate and act upon a mission that transcends personal gain and contributes to a greater good.

  • Empowerment: Be strong and courageous in your endeavors, knowing that "the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go" (Joshua 1:9). This segment equips you with the tools to face challenges head-on while maintaining your faith and integrity.

  • Nurture: From the smallest beginnings come the greatest legacies. Learn to nurture your business and personal growth with the patience and faith of the mustard seed (Matthew 13:31-32) that grows into a sheltering tree.

The AIMEN program is more than just a workshop; it’s an experience designed to foster a community of like-minded women who support and uplift each other through their journeys. Whether your church is just starting out or looking to expand your ministries, AIMEN offers you the compass to navigate this path.

Invite Amy to Speak at Your Church:

Bring the AIMEN program to your congregation and ignite a spirit of enterprise and faith among your community members. Booking Amy as a speaker not only offers an enriching experience to your church but also serves as an exceptional outreach opportunity to attract and inspire new attendees.

  • Spiritual and Professional Growth: Elevate church members through Amy’s blend of spiritual guidance and business acumen.

  • Inspiration and Empowerment: Amy inspires women to activate their divine gifts with confidence and courage.

  • Community Engagement: Amy’s sessions enhance church community bonds and participation.

  • Outreach and Attraction: Amy’s engaging talks attract new members, expanding your church community.

Helping people achieve their maximum potential by sharing the mental tools and strategies to equip them and build a winning mindset


Don't miss out on Amy's Free Training to unlock your highest potential and cultivate a success-oriented mindset!

Helping people achieve their maximum potential by sharing the mental tools and strategies to equip them and build a winning mindset


Don't miss out on Amy's Free Training to unlock your highest potential and cultivate a success-oriented mindset!